Chinoiserie Christmas Trees: Bringing a Grandmillennial Flair to Your Home

It’s that time of year again, and Christmas is just around the corner! You might consider a chinoiserie Christmas tree if you’re looking for a unique and eye-catching way to decorate your home for the holidays. Chinoiserie, a style inspired by Chinese art, is becoming increasingly popular and can add an elegant touch to any home decor.

Chinoiserie Christmas Trees: Bringing a Grandmillennial Flair to Your Home with
I love this tree from Frontgate. I purchased these beautiful Ginger Jar Ornaments for my tree.

Chinoiserie Christmas trees typically feature blue and white porcelain ornaments, delicate silk ribbons, and intricate paper cutouts. You can also include other elements, such as lanterns and fans. They also can have more ornaments than tree branches showing. Mine in my kitchen is in a sterling silver bowl with my Mackenzie Child’s reindeer. Whatever you choose, I feel the result is a stunning and sophisticated tree that will impress your guests.

Chinoiserie Christmas Trees: Bringing a Grandmillennial Flair to Your Home with

To create your chinoiserie Christmas tree, choose a color scheme. Blue and white are excellent choices for a traditional look, but try red and gold or pink and green for a more festive vibe. Next, select your ornaments and decorations. Look for porcelain ornaments and delicate silk ribbons, and consider adding paper cutouts or other decorative elements.

Chinoiserie Christmas Trees: Bringing a Grandmillennial Flair to Your Home with
Southern Nell’s

Your Christmas tree doesn’t have to be green. Get creative with a chinoiserie look you’ll love.

Chinoiserie Christmas Trees: Bringing a Grandmillennial Flair to Your Home with
Housepitality Designs

If you’re looking for a unique and beautiful way to decorate your home for the holidays, try a chinoiserie Christmas tree. With its elegant style and intricate decorations, it will become a new holiday tradition in your home.

Until next time,

Enjoy your day, your family, and your home!


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