9 Designer Color Palettes

Whenever I am ready to make-over a room, I always seem to start with the color of the walls. Then I get an overall idea in my head as to which way to go with the room. Sometimes I am stumped because I don’t want just the same white, off white, blue, etc. I want something more exciting and I want to add different color trim and accessories to change it up. I want to know just how designers pull together fabrics, color, and accessories to make an eye-catching room.

The Adored Home
Photo Courtesy of BHG

What about some wow colors! Ann Fox a Dallas Designer, chose these colors: Walls: Benjamin Moore Sweet Pear 389, Accent wall or painted furniture: Benjamin Moore Tuscan Coral 005, Fabric accent: Benjamin Moore Florida Pink 1320, Accent furniture: Benjamin Moore Sweet Vibrations 391. She says, “This is a palette that just makes a person happy–it’s great for a room that has no rules, such as a home office. Try it with white-washed furniture.” Pretty is what I say!

Photo courtesy of BHG
Photo courtesy of BHG

I found this great article on Better Homes and Gardens on designer color palettes! They asked designers what color palettes they were currently using and here is what they said!

What do you think? Are you ready to mix up some colors and take on a new project? I’d like to hear about it jump over to Facebook and tell me all about it!

Until next time,

Enjoy your day, your family, and your home! ❤


The Adored Home

2 Comments Add yours

  1. JayNine says:

    Reblogged this on j9sopinion and commented:
    A good place to start in re-decorating in home decor. Color on the walls. Build your palette around that and watch the ideas grow!
    Our wonderful friend over at “The Adored Home” has shared her expertise in the following Reblog HERE, for us all to enjoy.
    Get Inspired!


  2. I always love choosing new colors for our home. We keep our walls fairly neutral and then bring lots of color in through accessories.


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